Thursday, April 03, 2008
隆梅爾元帥權仗Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (1891 - 1944) - a marshal's baton

A jeweller made reproduction of his marshal's baton, awarded on 22 June 1942, one day after the battle of Tobruk. Silver, gold-plated in places, good craftsmanship. The shaft is covered with red velvet with superimposed national eagles and iron crosses. Gold-plated finial knobs with bound oak leaves, decorated with an iron cross and with the national eagle. Surrounded by the dedication in gothic letters "Der Führer dem Generalfeldmarschall Rommel" (The Führer to Field Marshal Rommel) and "Zum Freiheitskampf des deutschen Volkes 22. Juni. 1942." (For the German People's War of Liberation, 22 June 1942). Length 49.5 cm.