Tuesday, June 19, 2007
一次大戰德意志普魯士大藍徽十字勳章 Prussian Pour le Mérite Order ( Blue Max)
一次大戰德意志普魯士大藍徽十字勳章. 一次大戰期間,一般軍官所能獲頒的最高等級獎章.只有貴族或軍官才能頒獲,而一般士官兵是與其無緣的. 著名的"沙漠之狐" 隆美爾元帥曾獲頒此勳章.法文原意應為“功勳勳章” 。由來 : 勃蘭登堡弗里德里希親王——即後來的普魯士國王弗里德里希一世——在1667年創制了“Ordre de la Générosité”(法文原意:勇敢勳章)。 1740年弗里德里希二世繼位以後,他將勇敢勳章(Ordre de la Générosité)改名成了“Pour le Mérite(法文原意:為了功勳)”勳章(即“功勳勳章”),並把這更名後的勳章用來獎勵在民政方面和軍事方面做出功績者。到了1810年1月10日(弗里德里希-威廉三世在位期間),這種勳章就最終改為僅用來獎勵在戰鬥中獲得殊功者。如果獲得者有更英勇的表現,勳章上則會加上橡葉飾作為更高一級的獎勵。整個獎章配以帶三條銀色條紋的黑色勳帶。 1844年7月14日,弗里德里希-威廉四世又在獲勳超過50年者的勳章上加上了皇冠。到了1866年,作為軍隊最高統帥的威廉一世又創立了功勳勳章上的大十字。
Rare Prussian Pour le Mérite Order. Most likely circa 1844-1850 (crown). Gold. This variation was unofficial and the insignia were believed to have been of Russian manufacture.
Simular piece is described in William Hammelman & Dennis Martin's first volume of "The History of the Prussian pour le Merite Order. "It should be noted that although the badge suspension had been changed in 1800 from the eyelet to the baroque and again in 1810 to the solid wedge, many examples appeared. A variety of these changes has been seen, depending on the manufacturer, the jeweler, or the desires of the knight when purchasing a badge. Also the color of the blue enamel of the badge varied greatly in color from a very light blue to an almost cobalt blue. During this period there appeared the Pour le Merite badge showing crowned eagles between the arms. Below are shown two examples of the crowned eagle type of badge. However, this variation was unofficial and the insignia were believed to have been of Russian manufacture. It seems only logical to speculate that those badges showing the crowned eagles were privately purchased."
Size 52 by 52mm. Ribbon seems to be end of 19th century, beginning of 20th century.