Sunday, March 11, 2007
German WWII Bonds 5000 Reichmark

二次大戰大戰期間德國為籌措戰爭經費所發行的公債. 上有反萬字鷹記徽章.
This is the first time in 16 years that wehave found these interesting historical documents. They are seldom seen in private collections as the vast majority of these were destroyed at the wars end! Each bears the Nazi Eagle and Swastika marking. They date from the prewar years up into the early war years (1936 ?1941) and were printed on beautiful currency quality paper with watermarks to guarantee originality. Most will bear two dates- the original date of issuance (during the Third Reich Era) and the date of maturity (generally post war). Obviously with the fall of the Third Reich these became unredeemable and it is only now that they have developed a collector value. Condition is very good or better. Some will have unch?marks as a sign of invalidation, however all will have their original Nazi markings intact. Some will even have two Swastikas, one as an official seal and an even larger one as part of the background design. The bond coupons have embossed Swastika stamps.