Monday, September 22, 2008
湯姆克魯斯的新片 Valkyrie

《刺殺希特勒》根據真實事件改編,講述1944年德國軍官刺殺希特勒的故事。劇情大綱本片根據真人實事改編,德國軍官史陶芬柏格上校原本是宣誓效忠希特勒的高級軍官,在發現希特勒為鞏固強權而開始進行大屠殺的殘酷面貌之後,他便一直徘徊在究竟要對長官無條件的服從,還是該對未來德國國格忠誠的掙扎當中! 背負自己對妻兒的愛與責任,儘管眼前危機重重,有再多的不捨也仍然決定挺身而出,冀望盡一己之力終止戰爭和暴行。
他開始計劃 開始試探並邀集可靠的有志之士組成了一個機密小組,並以「華爾奇麗雅」(Operation Valkyrie)作為行動的秘密代號,計畫了一個只許成功不許失敗的暗殺行動,這是一個沒有回頭路的亡命行動,他和同伴們將如何展開這場驚天動地的暗殺計畫呢? 時間分秒流逝,危機一觸即發!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

"Das Großdeutsche Reich ist entstanden 1938 - 39"
Gold. The front bears an orb surrounded by the above inscription which translates "The Great German Reich has Arisen 1938 - 39". The back bears a portrait of Adolf Hitler with the surrounding inscription: "Der Einer und Führer aller Deutschen" (The Unifier and Leader of All Germans), Both sides are signed "Hanisch-Concée", a hallmark "986" on the rim. Diameter 36 mm. Weight ca. 33 g. Very rare.

Man rips head off Hitler waxwork at Berlin's Madame Tussauds
A man has torn the head from a controversial waxwork figure of Adolf Hitler on the opening day of Berlin's Madame Tussauds museum today.
A police spokesman said that the man, 41, had ripped off the head in protest at the exhibit.
The waxwork figure of a glum-looking Adolf Hitler in a mock bunker during the last days of his life had been criticised as being in bad taste.
A media preview of the new branch of Madame Tussauds on Thursday was overshadowed by a row over the exhibit.
Critics said it was inappropriate to display the Nazi dictator, who started World War Two and ordered the extermination of Europe's Jews, in a museum alongside celebrities, pop stars, world statesmen and sporting heroes.
Madame Tussauds had been forced to move the model after the row broke out over its inclusion in its German branch. The waxwork was isolated in a replica of the 'Fuhrer's' Berlin bunker, where he killed himself in 1945 at the end of the Second World War.
Dressed in a grey suit, the figure of Hitler gazed downwards with a despondent stare, his arm outstretched on a large wooden table with a map of Europe on the wall. The original plan was to have the dictator placed near his nemesis Winston Churchill.
Jewish and anti-fascist groups had criticised the decision to display the model saying that it was included 'merely to generate money'.
Under German law, the display of Nazi regalia is illegal.
'Of course the figure will arouse interest but we hope people will realise he is part of an exhibition with a range of attractions,' Meike Schulze for the company promoting the Madame Tussauds in Berlin, had said before the opening.
'It will be a shame if he dominates everything.'
Ms Schulze defended the decision to put the Hitler figure on show, saying that market research had shown there was demand for its inclusion, as long as the portrayal was sensitive.
About 25 workers spent four months on the waxwork, guided by more than 2,000 pictures and pieces of archive material and the model of the 'Fuhrer' in the London branch of Madame Tussauds.
To stop neo-Nazis from trying to pose with the figure for pictures, the bunker was roped off. Signs asked visitors to show 'respect for the millions of people who died in WW2'.
The wax Hitler was the latest in a gradual breaking down of taboos about him in Germany more than six decades after the end of the war.
A 'human' Hitler was brought to the screen in the 2004 film 'The Downfall' about his end and two years ago a comedy about him was produced by a Jewish director.

1939,on his 50th birthday, Hitler cuts a less than impressive figure as he poses with children at his Bavarian retreat, the Eagle's Nest.
Hitler invited the children, probably the sons and daughters of Nazi dignitaries, to his 50th birthday party on April 20, 1939.
The Fuhrer never had any children of his own but liked spending time with those of others - forever enthusing about how important they were to the biological future of the 1,000-year Reich.
His chief propaganda minister Josef Goebbels's six children were one of his surrogate families, as were the sons and daughters of his architect Albert Speer.